My Concept

I create large conceptual collages by using fashion magazines in their entirety, page by page. I use something - a color, a shape - off every page of a single magazine or magazine subscription to create a unified artwork.

This concept came to me in a dream in 2015, and eventually I tried the idea out. My first “magazine makeover” was made directly onto a blank wall with scotch tape. The apartment I was working in had no heat and it was very cold. I remember working frantically to finish before sundown so I could warm my hands up. I photographed the piece and it fell to the ground in ruin. But I was hooked. My creative concept celebrates everything I am interested in. The exploration of parameters, of beginnings and endings. The upcycling of materials destined for the landfill. The enjoyment of hand held media and the editorial delights found within the glossy pages. Contrary to the often capitalist themes found within the pages; my artwork is often a celebration of our natural world and is an exercise rooted in expenseless playtime. My creative process is a meditation in transformation and an act of joyful liberation! Page by page, I tell whatever story my imagination provides.

I hope you enjoy!



My Collaboration with the Nisenan Tribe - "Visibility Through Art"